What is this all about?:

Military strategies are for wars and martial arts techniques are for fighting - right?
Well, don’t we fight our little wars and conflicts daily? At work, at home, in the shop, in the street, with kids or parents, you name it. Sometimes even putting a kid to bed turns into a sizeable conflict!
And don’t we waste tons of nerves and energy in these little fights?
Shouldn’t the ideas from the strategies and techniques be applicable to our daily conflicts? And make it easier to win and live?

Well, I think - "yes"! And I am trying to put together here a sizable amount of examples to show this. Below I present these examples together with the underlying ideas taken from military or martial arts. Sometimes their application looks like plain psychology, sometimes as office politics, and sometimes just as little tricks that you can use. And, you bet, at times it is not that pretty, but hey, who said that warfare is pretty?

As with martial arts, you can use it just to fend off attacks or to hurt people. Some ideas are aikido/judo like – soft. Some are hard. You can be gentle or play it rather ugly – it depends on you - hope not - but sometimes the circumstances dictate that too.

If you live in a violent area – it is a good idea to take some form of karate-like training, right?
By the same measure “if you live in a world of conflicts – it is a good idea to learn some techniques to handle them”.
Or you may go on and fight them “head on”.

I would be happy to hear your comments or examples – just go ahead and add a comment anywhere – I will re-post it if necessary.

Sun Tzu said: "..to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

On the right there are links to previous posts - strategy definitions and examples of use.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Beware of false and true "attack" combination

Today we went to buy an iPod for my son.

The shop where we bought the iPod failed to neutralize the
sensor/sticker in the package that causes the alarm to go off at the exit from the shop. So it sounded when we left, but since I knew that I paid for it and the guys in the shop simply didn't pay attention to it, so we just walked away.
And here is the interesting part of the story.
We went on to visit several shops, in each shop the alarm went off on our entry, then the sales men would check us, find out that it is the iPod from another shop and then - just forget us. It seems that they never even thought to check us for the second time when the alarm went off on our leaving the shop. We could've taken the whole shop with us and they wouldn't notice!

This reminded me of something that I heard once.
This technique is often used by the crooks. They let you check something, let you see that it is OK and then take it back for just a second - to switch for something else or to reduce the amount of cash for example. When they hand it back to you - you will not double-check it since you "already checked" and feel sure that it's OK.

So, do not hesitate to re-check!

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